Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Apr 02 - Tinkering with Time***

Sunday, April 2, 1972 - Page 93
LOCATION: Newport Beach, California

(7:07 PM 3/6/72)
To celebrate April Foolishness, I've left Apr. 1 blank. And this brilliant little statement was written about a month ago, at 7:07 P.M., March 6. April is an anniversary -- exactly a year ago, Mom, Me, and Dot started our Eastward trip to Kennedy Airport for the plane trip to Europe. Now, what else will I fill this page with -- What unimagined events will have transpired between now ( Apr. 2 ), and when I wrote this ( March 6 )? We shall see.

1:01 AM - Apr 1
Last night I finished writing the letter to Soozwol. Larry & Dad came over so Larry could get some blankets cause he's staying at Dad's. He left Barbara, naturally. They stayed from ten to 12:30, and we talked alot. I did the dishes in the mean time. Taco came through the window with a gopher in her mouth, and the gopher got free and attacked viciously, snapping its huge teeth, and squeeking alot. We eventually got the thing outside again -- Taco couldn't get a grip on the energetic little monster. It must have bit her when it was outside cause Taco screeched once. The gopher made it into the cabaña from outside and the cat lost it in there.

What has transpired between March 6 & now follows: I filled the book "Dinosaurs" with beautiful illustrations from other lesser books, so now it is fun to look at as well as to read. Obtained the Fenton Fossil Book I'd been wanting from the school library -- it's the most complete book on prehistoric life I've ever seen. Got the big valuable book: Astronomy, and Dad borrowed it to work out his theories -- so I gave him the bill. Finished writing a new story ("Demigod's Demise") and sent it to Analog, from whom I received a nice rejection slip. Then I mailed it back out to F&SF along with seven other letters that may bring satisfactory results. Bought "Writer's Market '72" and became optimistic again. Created a file of my writing markets. Dad got an apartment and moved out. Mom stopped smoking for health reasons. She started playing Bridge on Monday nights.

Tim Hourigan went to Europe, so Grandlydia had to watch over Tarmlund. Matt & Grieg came by & I drove Gold to his home in Tustin so I know where he lives now. Was stopped by the Highway patrol on my way home -- Got off free however. I saw Jesus Christ Superstar; Dandelion Wine; Ray Bradbury; and Silent Running. Added a new feature to this book -- The Grady Lyda Album at the end. I finally organized my collection of photos into their respective categories. Spring sprang with a twang. Easter hopped into view. Another fool moon came and went. Star Trek answered my 24 dollars. Got a promising letter from Sooz, and replied to it accordingly. Explored Back Bay and got hit by three mullets. Liz continued to decompose. Taco caught several more lizards, insects, and last night she got a protestant gopher who defeated her. A flood washed away the trailer, and I'm writing this while drifting on a log amongst a dozen snapping alligators.
5:30 PM 4/2/72
April 2, Easter Sunday. Got up at 10:45 and Mom & I drove to Grandma Dot's and the three of us drove to a smorgasbord to eat, and we did. Drove back to Dot's (she got her trailer painted), and I got a bunch of magazines I can cut up. Mom & I drove to Penny's to see if it was open so we could buy a color Polaroid on sale -- It was closed. Then, at 3:00, we went to see "What's Up, Doc?", the O'Neal/Streisand comedy. The ad I have here was given to us when we went to see "Silent Running" [March 25].
The movie ended at 5:00, and now it is 5:07:43, the end --

Almost. Last night I sewed one of the Star Trek patches on my red Harbor High shorts, and yesterday was Apr. Fool's Day. Exactly a year ago we started on the cross country trip: 'Twas a mild sunny day about 80°. It was a Thursday, and Grandma Brazzel, Dot, Mom and I left from Mom's apartment, and Chunk saw us off. We left at 12:15 P.M., drove 335 miles and stopped at 6:30 in Kingman, Arizona. Got in the "Brandin' Iron" motel for the night. On Apr. 2, 1971, we left the motel at 7:30 AM, and drove 635 miles to Tucumcari, New Mexico, stopping at 7:00 P.M. at "Redwood Motel."

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