Friday, December 13, 2013

Dec 13 - End of an Era: The last moonwalk ever***

Wednesday, December 13, 1972 - Page 348
LOCATION: Newport Beach, Santa Ana, Anaheim

This is an excellent documentary. Go to April 20 to see an equally good half-hour NASA show about Apollo 16's mission, "Nothing So Hidden..."

(12:46:04 AM 12/14/1972)
Got up late -- caught the 9:00 A.M. bus, got to work at 10:45 -- late. Did very little work -- finished shampooing & vacuuming the remaining second story rooms, but took extreme shortcuts since I perceived that the carpets were clean enough already. Procrastinated immensely. Got to page 84 in [Catch] "22." Quit work at 5:30, got the 6:00 OCTD -- was home by 7:00.

Watched the final moonwalk -- there were three of them. Tomorrow they're leaving Luna at around 2 or 3 P.M. [wiki info] The end of an era, they say. The last scheduled manned exploration of the moon's surface. 12 men have been there so far (all technocratic Americans naturally), and there may be no more before the end of this century, they say. I think not -- at the latest, the early 90's will see more men up there engaged in more permanent endeavors. Maybe not Yankees, but humans nonetheless. We shall see, shan't we?

Now for something somewhat ridiculous but interesting nevertheless.
TOMORROW: My new work ethic: Creative procrastination

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